What Fruits Can Dogs Eat? [2023 Update]

what fruits can dogs eat

Most dog owners want to share their fruity snacks with their dogs, and the majority of dogs seem to like it. But, what fruits can dogs eat?

As a vet, I get asked this question a lot, that’s why I am going to share with you a list of the most common fruits that dogs can or can’t eat.

Let’s get into it.

Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

Yes, dogs can eat bananas. Bananas are filled with potassium, magnesium, carbohydrates, and a bunch of other vitamins which are all good for dogs and help supplement their diet. And bananas make great alternatives for dog treats.

However, you should be careful with the peels, they may not be harmful but they’re harder for your dog to digest and may cause him some dietary issues.

Bananas contain natural sugar, meaning that too many bananas can cause your dog to gain weight, so it’s always best if you serve your dog smaller portions of unpeeled bananas.

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?

Yes, strawberries are totally safe for your dog to eat, they provide a great source of fiber and some vitamins that helps in digestion, and it also includes antioxidants that strengthen your dog’s immune system along with omega-3 that promote healthy skin and shiny coat.

However, they are high in natural sugar which, too much of it, can cause an upset stomach or even weight gain.

Can Dogs Eat Apples?

Yes, dogs can eat apples. They can be a healthy snack as they provide great sources of calcium that help dogs develop strong teeth and bones, they also help whiten their teeth, and contain fiber that aids in digestion.

The apple seeds are not safe though, they contain considerable amounts of cyanide which is released when the seed is chewed. From a medical standpoint, chewing some seeds can’t cause your dog any harm, but it’s always better if you remove them, it’s better safe than sorry.

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Yes, watermelon is safe for dogs. Watermelon is rich in fiber which supports your dog’s digestive system and helps her digest her food properly, it’s also high in water which helps your dog stay hydrated, and according to Dogtime, it includes lycopene which is an enzyme that helps prevent cancer.

However, it’s always recommended to start giving your dog smaller portions of watermelon and observe how his stomach reacts, as dogs’ stomachs can handle too much fiber if they are not used to it.

Can Dogs Eat Blueberries?

Yes, blueberries are safe for dogs. According to chewy, superfood blueberries are a low-calorie treat that’s packed with nutrients such as antioxidants along with other vitamins that support the immune system, it is also high in fiber which aids in healthy digestion. But, it’s better served in small amounts from time to time.

Can Dogs Eat Grapes?

No, dogs must never eat grapes. Grapes and the dried version of grapes – raisins – are very toxic for dogs and have constantly sent dogs to the emergency rooms. The toxic nutrient in grapes is unknown, but it’s very toxic that it causes sudden kidney failure and sometimes death.

Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?

Yes, dogs can eat pineapple as long as the con and the rind are removed. This tropical fruit is packed in vitamins, minerals, and potassium which all help provide your dog with a balanced and complete diet.

However, it’s always to monitor your dog’s consumption of pineapples and serve it as a healthy snack in moderation. Pineapples are high in fiber which is great for your dog’s digestive health, but too much of it can cause some dietary issues.

Can Dogs Eat Oranges?

Yes, oranges are safe for dogs, they contain vitamin C, potassium, and fiber which all help boost the immune system. However, most dogs are capable of producing their own vitamin C so there is no need to give your dog oranges.

Also, oranges are very acidic and contain too much sugar, that’s why it’s always best if you serve them in limited amounts to prevent your dog from getting any dietary problems.

Our Verdict

Most fruits are safe for dogs to eat, but there are also some harmful ones so always keep an eye out for these fruits.

Also, as I highlighted above, some fruits can be more dangerous to your dog than others, that’s why I highly recommend that you consult your vet before giving any kind of fruits to your dog.

John Alexander
John Alexander

John is a qualified vet and an expert in dog nutrition. He has been documenting his journey with dogs and writing about their nutrition for over two years now. He is the go-to person when it comes to dogs nutrition.

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